We are about to launch our basic website and there is one last thing I am trying to get right. if we add a url to a show in airtime it displays in the schedule widget. This is excellent. However when you click on the READ MORE link , it opens the page within the frame. Its just a bit clumsy. Is there anything I can do to get it to open a tab or a new page instead?
Have a look here http://www.basic.fm/ and click on monday in the schedule, then click READ MORE to see what I mean.
Any help,or prods in the right direction greatly appreciated.
Im not sure I understand you, or perhaps you didn't understand me. I dont want it to open the link in the same iframe, I want it load the link in a new window. i.e. target="_blank"
I tried hacking around with the jquery.showinfo.js , in particular a line : '<li>'+(url.length > 0 ? '<a href="'+url+'">'+options.miscText.readMore+'</a>':'')+'</li>'+
but I am very rusty, I suspect I need to pop something into a header also :)
Although alas, it does not work. But I suspect this is something to do with the fact that it sits in a wordpress page. Any thoughts? Do I need to add anything to the header?
Ah, also the schedule widget doesn't seem to work in Chrome. Is this a known issue?
Edit: oh dear I am getting reports from people that the schedule Widget is just not appearing in the latest Chrome, Firefox or Safari under Win7 or Chrome or Firefox on Ubuntu 10.04.
Edit 2: It was target="_blank Chrome would not load it as an unexpected token.
This hack does not work with the new widget code for some reason?
Wait, sorry I just needed to clear the cache. I will leave the comment above as a permanent shameful reminder to check everything before shouting for help :)