Airtime for Turnkey Linux
  • I intend to submit a patch to derive a dedicated Airtime appliance ISO from TurnKey Linux (Lucid or Squeeze). I have shared a preliminary patch on their forums at Where the patch is failing is at starting rabbitmq-server; the installation fails on both Squeeze and Lucid cores. I'm reading this thread now with interest. I'll pursue the solutions outlined on that thread while keeping in mind this is for a chroot env that is unconfigured. I'm eager to complete this patch and looking forward to advocating for a place for airtime in ed tech as appropriate. I look forward to your feedback/responses.
  • 21 Comments sorted by
  • Well, I have something useable even if it isn't a turnkey Airtime appliance system. The following script can be used on installed turnkey linux core (12RC, Squeeze) to bring the system to a ready to roll Airtime instance. However, the bash script isn't reliant on the tklpatch mechanism and should work without changing much on any bare Squeeze server installation. Attached nevertheless is a patch that can be applied to a running TKL Core Squeeze installation using the patch mechanism. This will have to do until I can see my way around rabbitmq-server. Feedback would be fantastic. I look forward to working further on this.

    #!/bin/bash -ex
    echo "$HOSTNAME" > /etc/hostname
    sed -i "s| \(.*\)| $HOSTNAME|" /etc/hosts
    #sed -i "/lucid multiverse/ s/# //" $APT_SOURCES/sources.list
    debconf-set-selections -v << END
    rabbitmq-server rabbitmq-server/upgrade_previous    note
    airtime    airtime/apache-serveradmin    string    root@localhost
    airtime    airtime/apache-setup    select    dedicated v-host
    airtime    airtime/apache-servername    string    localhost
    airtime    airtime/apache-deldefault    select    no change
    airtime    airtime/icecast-hostname    string    localhost
    airtime    airtime/icecast-sourcepw    string    hackme
    airtime    airtime/admin-password    string    admin
    airtime    airtime/icecast-relaypw    string    hackme
    airtime    airtime/icecast-adminpw    string    hackme
    airtime    airtime/icecast-setup    boolean    false
    echo "deb squeeze-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sources.list
    echo "deb squeeze main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/codefabric.list
    #echo "deb testing main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/codefabric.list  - no help
    #wget -forget it
    #apt-key add rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc -unnecassary
    apt-get update
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --force-yes \
        -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef \
        -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold \
        install sourcefabric-keyring python-pkg-resources python-setuptools
    apt-get update
    #Install python-virtualenv
    dpkg -i python-virtualenv_1.4.9-3_all.deb
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y \
        -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef \
        -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold \
        install airtime
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    having a turnkey airtime linux will be great ;)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Daniel JamesDaniel James
    Posts: 844Member, Sourcefabric Team
    It does sound like the fixed and resolvable hostname issue. See:
  • Excellent - thank your for the feedback. Does that fit with what's resolved it? Which is this: after I've defined the hostname (first stanza), the script does this:
    hostname -F /etc/hostname
    This takes me all the way through the end of the installation process, the configuration check. I get a FAIL for media-monitor. When the config check throws an error, the patch process fails.
  • Here's the output from the system check at the end of apt-get install airtime:

    *** Verifying your system environment, running airtime-check-system ***
    AIRTIME_STATUS_URL             = http://localhost/api/status/format/json/api_key/%%api_key%%
    KERNEL_VERSION                 = 2.6.32-5-686
    MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE           = i686
    TOTAL_MEMORY_MBYTES            = 2072968
    TOTAL_SWAP_MBYTES              = UNKNOWN
    AIRTIME_VERSION                = 2.0.3
    OS                             = Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS i686
    CPU                            = Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU         550  @ 3.20GHz
    WEB_SERVER                     = Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
    PLAYOUT_ENGINE_MEM_PERC        = 0.4%
    PLAYOUT_ENGINE_CPU_PERC        = 0.0%
    LIQUIDSOAP_PROCESS_ID          = 4924
    LIQUIDSOAP_MEM_PERC            = 0.9%
    LIQUIDSOAP_CPU_PERC            = 0.0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_MEM_PERC         = 0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_CPU_PERC         = 0%
    RABBITMQ_PROCESS_ID            = 4478
    RABBITMQ_MEM_PERC              = 0.5%
    RABBITMQ_CPU_PERC              = 0.0%

    -- There appears to be a problem with your Airtime installation.

  • Patch complete.  Airtime 2.0.3 is now available as a dedicated appliance built over TurnKey Linux’s LAPP stack. ISO is available here,
    as is the patch from which the ISO is derived. Appliance includes
    webmin, shellinabox, ssh, and of course Apache2 and postgres - all built
    over Ubuntu’s Lucid (TurnKey Linux's Core). Default credentials for airtime are admin/admin; root and postgres credentials, and tzdata, are configured on first boot. I look forward to feedback, comments, suggestions.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    great news !
    webmin working fine with airtime ?
  • Thanks Albert. So far, they seem to be doing fine together (webmin and airtime). Seems to be no problem. I'm not sure how to stress the relationship, but we'll try applying uncomfortable changes and see how that goes. Without virtualmin, it's prolly wise to just use webmin for user admin tasks, however (rather than apache2 config). With virtualmin...probably don't do that ?
    Post edited by rik goldman at 2012-05-18 09:59:04
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Paul BaranowskiPaul Baranowski
    Posts: 389Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 7:12 AM, rik goldman <<br />> wrote:

    > Patch complete. Airtime 2.0.3 is now available as a dedicated appliance
    > built over TurnKey Linux’s LAPP stack. ISO
    > is available *here* , as is the patch from
    > which the ISO is derived. Appliance includes webmin, shellinabox, ssh, and
    > of course Apache2 and postgres - all built over Ubuntu’s Lucid (TurnKey
    > Linux's Core ). Default credentials for
    > airtime are admin/admin; root and postgres credentials, and tzdata, are
    > configured on first boot. I look forward to feedback, comments, suggestions.

    Others have tried to use Webmin with Airtime. However, when Apache was
    upgraded, it uninstalled Airtime:

    So you may want to check if that problem exists on your system...

    - Paul
  • Thanks, I will give it certain check. I know TKL keeps webmin in its own repo because of problems from upstream. They package it themselves for their appliances. I'll see if I can break it.
    Post edited by rik goldman at 2012-05-18 17:19:41
  • Haven't been able to break the appliance with webmin integrated. Nevertheless, I'm going to revise the patch and derive a new ISO that doesn't have webmin integrated by default.
  • Patch complete.  Airtime 2.0.3 is now available as a dedicated appliance built over TurnKey Linux’s LAPP stack. ISO is available here,
    as is the patch from which the ISO is derived. Appliance includes
    webmin, shellinabox, ssh, and of course Apache2 and postgres - all built
    over Ubuntu’s Lucid (TurnKey Linux's Core). Default credentials for airtime are admin/admin; root and postgres credentials, and tzdata, are configured on first boot. I look forward to feedback, comments, suggestions.

    Hey Rik,

    This is really coo!! I'm happy to see the community creating their own solutions using Airtime. 2.1.0 is coming out soon and the packaging is very similar to 2.0.3, so there shouldn't be any problems if you want to update the ISO once it comes out. 
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    great job @rik
  • Thanks, Albert. I'll update for 2.1.0., given I can wrap my head around it. The challenge for airtime 2.0.3 was installing the services in chroot environment. Ultimately, the install couldn't pass the install check that package has built into it, so the automation script choked.
  • Ultimately, the install couldn't pass the install check that package has built into 

    Can you be more specific about this?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Yes indeed. Not all the services called for by Airtime could be started in the chroot environment where the patch is applied. Rabbitmq-server was a problem that I worked around; the remaining problem was I couldn't start; consequently the check that's built into the deb install failed. Are those helpful details?
  • @Rik,

    I'm curious why you would want to install the services into a chroot environment? Also, the error messages displayed by media-monitor might help. I suspect it had something to do with an import "mpQueue" not defined?

    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Revision B of the Airtime 2.0.3 Appliance ISO and the TKLPatch from which its derived has been posted to For this revision, I've pulled webmin per suggestion.
    On chroot:
    It's an inherent part of the TKLPatch mechanism. I can't begin to explain it, so here's links to documentation:
    Post edited by rik goldman at 2012-05-30 05:00:50
  • OK, now the ISO is properly available for download. Forgot to enable it. Airtime Rev. B
  • Hi Rik, thanks for the work you have done / still are doing on airtime.

    I've tried to find the 'Airtime Rev. B' iso and it appears to have gone to cyber heaven.
    Could you please put a new link to the iso?

    Thank you.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    I'm trying to do a new airtime turnkey linux during my vacations ;-)
    i'm publishing my results on this forum