Creating Multiple Databases with Newscoop
  • I am looking in obtaining information on getting Newscoop
    setup to partition users on separated database instances.  I have several location editors that are
    responsible for a specific region and the content within that region.   The goal is to segregate content by regions
    and for those editors to only view and manage within their area of responsibility. 
    there a way to create groups and for each group a separated database partition?

    Post edited by Ray Valle at 2012-04-09 08:48:50
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Ray,

    I think this is not an issue on storing the data in separate partitions, but an issue on how the content is handled in Newscoop, because no matter if you manage to split the content across partitions, Newscoop still will present the content in the same way.

    Currently Newscoop doesn't provide an specific way to achieve this use case.

    What you could do is, for example, to create separate publications, one for each region. This way you can separate content, the problem is that permissions in Newscoop are not granulated enough to restrict access per content units (publications, issues, or even sections). So, a user managing the content for region ABC must have the permission to write articles, and that permission will give him access to write articles in the publication for region XYZ, which is bad if you want to really prevent this to happen. If on the other hand your group of editors is small and you trust those users then this approach should be ok  :-)

    We do not have extending the users management in Newscoop to support this scenario, this will be addressed by Superdesk. Another project we are working on which will integrate with Newscoop.

    Hope this answers your question.

    All Best,

  •  Hi Holman, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Thank you for sheading some light on this, your explanation answered
    my question and is well understood. As per your suggestion, for now, I will
    create separate publications for each region and await the release of Superdesk.

    Thank you kindly,  
