Upgrade from 1.8.2 to 2.0.1: recording shows failed
  • Hi all,

    After upgrading from 1.8.2 to 2.0.1 shows are not getting recorded. Please see the attached log


  • 9 Comments sorted by
  • What's in /etc/airtime/recorder.cfg?
  • Hi James,
    Can you please write the exact steps you're doing?
    Is it the same over 2 hour shows set on 1.8.2 and not being recorded on 2.0.1?
  • Hi James,

    here's the config:

    api_client = "airtime"

    # where the binary files live
    bin_dir = '/usr/lib/airtime/show-recorder'

    # base path to store recordered shows at
    base_recorded_files = '/var/tmp/airtime/show-recorder/'

    # where the logging files live
    log_dir = '/var/log/airtime/show-recorder'

    # RabbitMQ settings #
    rabbitmq_host = 'localhost'
    rabbitmq_user = 'guest'
    rabbitmq_password = 'guest'
    rabbitmq_vhost = '/'

    # Recorded Audio settings #
    record_bitrate = 192
    record_samplerate = 44100
    record_channels = 2
    record_sample_size = 16
    record_timeout = 3600

    # can be either ogg|mp3, mp3 recording requires installation of the package "lame"
    record_file_type = 'mp3'

    Post edited by James Dunn at 2012-02-21 20:08:54
  • Hi Ofir,

    After upgrading to 2.0.1, it recorded a few shows (about 10) and now I keep getting the error message as shown in show-recorder.log above and no shows are recorded. We have shows that are either 1, 2, or 3 hours in length (which were set in 1.8.2).

    I just restarted the show-recorder service with:

    sudo service airtime-show-recorder restart

    and the log now says:

    2012-02-22 01:13:07,510 INFO - [recorder.py : __init__() : line 183] - RecorderFetch: init complete
    2012-02-22 01:13:07,510 INFO - [recorder.py : run() : line 290] - Started...
    2012-02-22 01:13:07,510 INFO - [recorder.py : init_rabbit_mq() : line 187] - Initializing RabbitMQ stuff
    2012-02-22 01:13:07,570 DEBUG - [connection.py : _start() : line 661] - Start from server, version: 8.0, properties: {u'platform': u'Erlang/OTP', u'product': u'RabbitMQ', u'version': u'1.7.2', u'copyright': u'Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.', u'information': u'Licensed under the MPL. See http://www.rabbitmq.com/'}, mechanisms: [u'PLAIN', u'AMQPLAIN'], locales: [u'en_US']
    2012-02-22 01:13:07,573 DEBUG - [connection.py : _open_ok() : line 507] - Open OK! known_hosts [nts-studio2:5672]
    2012-02-22 01:13:07,573 DEBUG - [channel.py : __init__() : line 70] - using channel_id: 1
    2012-02-22 01:13:07,574 DEBUG - [channel.py : _open_ok() : line 484] - Channel open
    2012-02-22 01:13:07,578 DEBUG - [api_client.py : get_shows_to_record() : line 347] - http://localhost:80/api/recorded-shows/format/json/api_key/%%api_key%%
    2012-02-22 01:13:08,186 INFO - [api_client.py : get_shows_to_record() : line 353] - shows {u'is_recording': True, u'server_timezone': u'Europe/London', u'shows': []}
    2012-02-22 01:13:08,187 INFO - [recorder.py : parse_shows() : line 220] - Parsing show schedules...
    2012-02-22 01:13:08,187 INFO - [recorder.py : parse_shows() : line 232] - {}
    2012-02-22 01:13:08,188 INFO - [recorder.py : run() : line 303] - Bootstrap complete: got initial copy of the schedule
    2012-02-22 01:13:08,188 INFO - [recorder.py : run() : line 311] - Loop #1

    But there is no mention of the show at 2012-02-22 09:00!

    Post edited by James Dunn at 2012-02-21 20:26:09
  • Ok so I just checked in on it again this morning and it's recording the 09:00 GMT show. Here's the latest log. I'll report back if it stops recording again.

  • Ok, the 09:00 GMT and 12:00 GMT shows have been recorded but it missed the 13:00 GMT show. Please see the attached screenshot and logs.

    Note: the current show is NOT recording.


    Post edited by James Dunn at 2012-02-22 08:19:54
  • Hi James,

    Can you please post a log from 09:00 ~ 13:00?

  • Hi James

    It didn't upload for some reason to begin with but should be attached to the post above now - can you see it? (show-recorder.log.1)


  • Hi James,

    We confirmed the bug you reproted and a ticket has been created: http://dev.sourcefabric.org/browse/CC-3346

    We will include this fix in 2.0.2.

    Thanks for your report!