One staff per magazine feature desirable?
  • Hello,

    First of all congratulations, Newscoop is a good and functional product.

    We are evaluating Newscoop for a public University with different departments where each departmet could have one magazine.

    Is there a way to assign only one staff to a magazine? We would like each staff-department having their magazine with a shared exchange section to share contents. That way each staff-department would be the one and only responsable of its magazine but they could share content design by others.

    Is that posible in Newscoop?  Is it planned in the future?

    Many thanks and best regards
    Post edited by Andrey Podshivalov at 2012-08-30 06:05:55
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi,

    If I understand your problem correctly, you want each staff to only have access to their own magazine.

    The current version of Newscoop, 3.5.3, does not have the ability to limit users to a subset of the instance's content. The next version, 4.0, will provide some of this functionality, but not exactly as you describe it; in the 4.0 functionality, the functionality was designed mainly so that bloggers writing on a blog for a paper wouldn't have access to the rest of the site content - only their blog. That could probably do the trick for you.

    I suppose some of that could be altered to give the staff of one magazine access only to its content. Site administrators and top editors could be given the rights to all of the magazines.

    What does work today is that you could create the magazines as individual publications inside of your Newscoop installation and create their individual designs. It's just that when a user logs in, they will see all the other magazines too. You can, however, limit users' rights so that they only have the ability to post and edit content, not to publish or unpublish it.

    The current version of Newscoop also includes a mechanism for duplicating articles. With it, editors can duplicate an article from one publication to another, or one section to another.

    Hope this answers your questions!
    Douglas Arellanes
    Director of Innovation
    Sourcefabric, o.p.s.

    Find a way or make one.
  • Many thanks Douglas. Yes you have answer the questions.

    We have already tested the very interesting mechanism for duplicating articles between different magazine sections in Newscoop 3.5.3.

    That's why we wanted each staff to only have access to their own magazine whith a common section to exchange articles.

    Best regards