"Error on select" on front page
  • I have a web site (www.novireporter.com) running on campsite 2.1.5. Web site stops to work, I get "Error on select" on front page but I can login on backend and work without any errors.

    I created virtual machine (RedHat 9) and installed campsite 2.1.5, loaded my database and everything works as it should be, but when I tried to upgrade to campsite 2.3.3 I got an error "Preparing install scripts...Could not find make utility. Please install make package."

    If I want to upgrade to newscoop I have to go step by step.
    I can find old versions of campsite but without manuals. I need them because there is some steps what I have to do manually in upgrade process.
    There is a link in documentation folder, like this one http://code.campware.org/manuals/campsite/2.4/ but it doesn't work.

    Is there any script to convert old database (campsite 2.1.5) to newscoop?

    Thanks in advance
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    in your case follow the steps:
    1. install 2.7.x and restore backuo file
    2. upgrade to 3.0.x
    3. upgrade to 3.5.3
    4. after official release upgrade to 3.6

    after each step check the front end.

    old campsite installations you will find here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/campsite/files/campsite/
  • When I tried to install campsite 2.7.x I got this error: "Preparing install scripts...Could not find make utility. Please install make package."

    Is there manual for this version of campsite?

    See http://code.campware.org/manuals/campsite/2.7/

    See http://code.campware.org/manuals/campsite/2.7/index.php?id=5
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    you should install make utility on your computer

    for ubuntu/debian: sudo apt-get install build-essential
    for centos/redhat/fedora: sudo yum groupinstall "Developement Tools"