"No image" icon
  • On the homepage and on section pages, articles with no images show up with "no image" icons that are different in every browser -- in IE, they look like little sheets of paper with rips in them.

    How can I edit the HTML so that nothing shows up if there's no picture?
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Can you specify which template set/theme you are using, default one? Usually, such problems occur when template tries to show image with specified number.

    In your templates which are used for front and section pages, you can try searching for <img alt="..." src="{{ uri options="image 1" }}" /> (or "image 2", or whatever the number) and wrap it in

    {{ if $gimme->article->has_image(1) }}<img alt="..." src="{{ uri options="image 1" }}" />{{ /if }}

    Even better, you can show image even if you don't know it's number -

    {{ list_article_images length="1" }}
    <img alt="..." src="{{ uri options="image" }}" />
    {{ /list_article_images }}

    This will show image that was first attached to article (if there are more or exactly one; if no image is attached, nothing will be shown.

    Hope this helps!
    Ljuba Rankovic
    Senior Front End Developer, Sourcefabric

  • Thank you! That solved it!