Welcome jingle
  • Hi all,

    Looking for a right way to set up
    AirTime -> LiquidSoap -> IceCast2
    so that a listener would hear a welcome jingle, when she connects,
    and only after that she will switch to the main stream.

    Welcome jingle - meaning some short "You're listening to Radio Silence" type of thing.

    Any advice/ideas/known practice welcome!
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • as far as i remember you do this in the icecast config file. it's well
    documented in the icecast docs -
    http://www.icecast.org/docs/icecast-2.3.2/icecast2_config_fi le.html

    On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Sergei S. <
    airtime-support@lists.sourcefabric.org> wrote:

    > **
    > Hi all,
    > Looking for a right way to set up
    > AirTime -> LiquidSoap -> IceCast2
    > so that a listener would hear a welcome jingle, when she connects,
    > and only after that she will switch to the main stream.
    > Welcome jingle - meaning some short "You're listening to Radio Silence"
    > type of thing.
    > Any advice/ideas/known practice welcome!

  • johngough
    you do this in the icecast config file

    Thank you for reply, johngough!

    I managed to add the two mountpoint configs into icecast.xml, with same names that liquidsoap creates, and it works!

    However, I discovered a sad problem, that seems to be known: some players apparently drop connection after the intro jingle.
    The jingle and the stream are of the same bit rate, so I don't know what else could possibly be the reason.
    The error was reported by a client, and I couldn't reproduce this error with my setup.

    Any ideas how to diagnose and treat the connection drop after intro jingle?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Paul BaranowskiPaul Baranowski
    Posts: 389Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    I would first find out what player they are using, and then look in the
    documentation for that player for known bugs and workarounds.

    On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Sergei S. <
    airtime-support@lists.sourcefabric.org> wrote:

    > **
    > johngough
    > you do this in the icecast config file
    > Thank you for reply, johngough!
    > I managed to add the two mountpoint configs into icecast.xml, with same
    > names that liquidsoap creates, and it works!
    > <mount>
    > <mount-name>/ps.mp3</mount-name>
    > <intro>/intro.mp3</intro>
    > </mount>
    > <mount>
    > <mount-name>/ps.ogg</mount-name>
    > <intro>/intro.ogg</intro>
    > </mount>
    > However, I discovered a sad problem, that seems to be known: some players
    > apparently drop connection after the intro jingle.
    > The jingle and the stream are of the same bit rate, so I don't know what
    > else could possibly be the reason.
    > The error was reported by a client, and I couldn't reproduce this error
    > with my setup.
    > Any ideas how to diagnose and treat the connection drop after intro jingle?

  • Where put the intro.mp3 file? In base dir? because that don't work /usr/share/icecast ?
    Maybe chmods? Or bitrates?
  • Was your client using the ogg stream or the mp3 stream?

    There is a common bug with a lot of OGG players that disconnect right after a track ends and a new one begins.

    We had to get around this problem by tricking players on the ogg stream to think they're are playing one infinitely long track (mp3 stream doesn't have this problem).

    Could be that your "intro" track, is reintroducing this problem.
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