Latest update from Repo has removed all data
  • Vote Up0Vote Down JimDogJimDog
    Posts: 7Member

    I have just updated Airtime from the debian repository and it has completely dumped the database, reset all configuration files and now won't recognise anything in the /srv/airtime/stor directory as being able to be added to a playlist.

    Am I (possibly wishful thinking) missing some kind of 'restore' function, or is this something to expect every time there is an update (ie is this normal)?

    How do I relink the files in the storage directory to allow them to be selected (airtime-import isn't really designed for this I'm guessing as they would be copied to themselves in the same directory)
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  • Hi Jimdog, unfortunately the package overwrites the database on every install. Our release next week (1.8.2) will have fixed this problem.


    airtime-import -l /path/to/your/stor/directory

    This will import your files without copying them.
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