Airtime db corruption?
  • Hi

    i have a major problem with airtime. I am runnning airtime on a virtualbox 4 within ubuntu 10.04 host.

    There are many occasions where the host is restarted or shutdown, either due to human interference or power cut without having stopped the virtualbox.

    This has caused random effects on airtime. For example the playlist will load playing but there will not be any output. On-air light is off.

    Additionally the web interface doesn't update, eg I create a show and click submit but nothing happens. If i refresh the page the entry is there. Same with adding playlists to the show.

    I do not know if this is due to the virtual machine or not as I have only ever installed airtime on virtualbox.

    If anyone else has had same problems on dedicated machines please let me know.

    I do take daily backups of the whole virtualbox, but it is a nuisance having to upload the same music and create the same users on a regular basis.

    I am suspecting database corruption, is there any way to repair the database if things go wrong? Also is there a way to backup users and uploaded music for easy migration?

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Quote:
    This has caused random effects on airtime. For example the playlist will load playing but there will not be any output. On-air light is off.

    This is something we are looking into. See this ticket.

    For your database corruption issue, were you doing anything that might require saving data to the database (creating a playlist, updating a show etc.) or is the database becoming corrupted even when no one was using the Airtime UI.
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Sorry I accidentally created two topics with the same problem, you can delete the other one.

    Regarding you question, I am afraid I cannot guarantee an answer, I do not know as i am not the only user. I administer the machines from a remote location.