[campsite-dev] Campsite topics used as 'tags' like in del.icio.us

  • Hi Mugur,

    I decided to try to use topics in my fastnews templates since I saw
    that TOL seems to be using them extensively.

    I'm having problems though. In version 2.2.2, I wanted to use topics in
    the manner of 'tags' a la technorati or del.icio.us, etc, so that my
    document would have a box saying

    Related articles on




    and would link to a listing of related articles listed by date.

    I must be doing something wrong with the syntax, I can't make it work,
    Here's my template:

    <!** if article defined>
    <div class="topics">
    <p class="opt"><b>Related articles on</b></p>
    <!** local>
    <!** Language english>
    <!** if Topic name is (law:en)>
    <!** endif>
    <!** if Topic name is media>
    <!** endif>
    <!** if Topic name is environment>
    <!** endif>
    <!** endlocal>
    <!** endif>

    (I take it there's no way to list all available topics?)

    My output from the above is

    - in included template /fastnews/topics.tpl
    Error 116: Line 8,Column 23; invalid value; required: (law:en), (environment:en), (media:en);
    Error 104: Line 10,Column 6; this statement is not allowed here; required: EndLocal;

    I tried without the "<!** local><!** language>" stuff but
    that didn't work.

    I also tried

    <!** if Topic name is "law">
    <!** endif>


    <!** if Topic name is law>
    <!** endif>

    but no good.

    What's the correct approach for this?



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  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi John,

    The syntax of topic names is: topic:en

    Please try:

  • law

  • If you still get errors please ask Braja for help, he's expert in topics Smile


    --- John Pye wrote:
    Hi Mugur,

    I decided to try to use topics in my fastnews templates since I sawthat TOL
    seems to be using them extensively.

    I'm having problems though. In version 2.2.2, I wanted to use topics inthe
    manner of 'tags' a la technorati or del.icio.us, etc, so that mydocument would
    have a box saying
    Related articles on
    mediaand would link to a listing of related articles listed by date.

    I must be doing something wrong with the syntax, I can't make it work,Here's my

    Related articles

    • law
    • media
    • endif>
    • environment
    • endlocal>

    (I take it there's no way to list all available topics?)

    My output from the above is

    - in included template /fastnews/topics.tplError 116: Line 8,Column 23; invalid
    value; required: (law:en), (environment:en), (media:en);Error 104: Line
    10,Column 6; this statement is not allowed here; required: EndLocal;
    I tried without the "" stuff butthat didn't work.

    I also tried

  • law

  • and

  • law

  • but no good.

    What's the correct approach for this?



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