AAC+ stream not working
  • Hi,

    I've followed the instructions of the wiki in order to enable AAC+ stream, but liquidsoap doesn't load fdkaac library, as you can see:
    2013/10/12 16:10:28 [main:3] Using: graphics=[distributed with Ocaml] pcre=6.2.3 dtools=0.3.1 duppy=0.5.1 duppy.syntax=0.5.1 cry=0.2.2 mm=0.2.1 xmlplaylist=0.1.3 ogg=0.4.5 vorbis=0.6.1 opus=0.1.0 mad=0.4.4 flac=0.1.1 flac.ogg=0.1.1 dynli
    nk=[distributed with Ocaml] lame=0.3.2 voaacenc=0.1.0 alsa=0.2.1 ao=0.2.0 taglib=0.3.1 camomile=0.8.3 faad=0.3.2 portaudio=0.2.0 pulseaudio=0.1.2 ladspa=0.1.4 camlimages=4.0.0
    I've also tried to install precompiled library from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/fdk-aac/
    with the same result: not working.

    My setup:
    Ubuntu 12.04 x64 fresh install.
    Airtime 2.4.1 Easy setup.
    Icecast 2.4-beta3

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you very much.
    Post edited by Albert at 2013-10-12 14:31:09
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down hoerichhoerich
    Posts: 627Member, Airtime Moderator
    Hi Albert, I would retry with Automated Installation.
    maybe one of the screencast helps... http://www.sourcefabric.org/en/resources/screencasts/
    Official Airtime Forum Manager
    Most of the time an issue is located between keyboard and chair.
  • Same result :(

  • Hi Albert

    other option is to compile library from source


    you should end up with in /usr/lib
    :~/build/fdk-aac/fdk-aac-0.1.1$ ls /usr/lib/libfdk*
    /usr/lib/libfdk-aac.a   /usr/lib/libfdk-aac.so    /usr/lib/libfdk-aac.so.0.0.2
    /usr/lib/libfdk-aac.la  /usr/lib/libfdk-aac.so.0

    then try rebuild liquidsoap with fdk-aac included in PACKAGE.
