Hi there! I'm adding a song into a 5 minute slot. But I wonder if it's possible to define shorter time (i.e. 2-minute slot), or if its possible to indicate the program that I only want to hear the first 2 minutes of the song (and leave the rest of the 5-minute slot silent). Can I do that? Of course I can create a playlist and edit the song length, but this is tiresome! I can also cut the song into a 2-minute song using an external program (audacity, etc) but I'd like something less complicated. Any ideas? I'm using the Ubuntu version.
Workflow? what do you mean? We ara using this software to broadast some music (instead of a bell) in our highschool, to mark when students have to change rooms, or marking the end of classes, etc... we do not want thje music to sound for more that 2 minutes...
Probably there is no direct way to do that, but we may have some workaround. For instance, you can create a 2 minutes show with contents followed by another 3 minute empty show.
I agree it would be better to set a playlist with solid length.
Another workaround that you might consider would be to edit the song (or songs) to 2:00 using a sound editor like Audacity and then upload it to Airtime.
Hope this helps,
Douglas Arellanes Director of Innovation Sourcefabric, o.p.s.