Timezone (Daylight saving time) problems
  • In Chile the Daylight saving time now is the official time. The tzdata package in our wasn't updated, so Airtime changed the timezone from -3.00 to -4.00.

    I had updated the package, but Airtime moved one hour earlier all the blocks in the calendar !

    What can I do? There is a way to mass-move all the programs one hour?

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • One of your 4 clocks time zones is wrong. Hardware, Unix (software), Airtime Station Clock and Airtime User Clock.
    My money is on the Clock Time Zone in the Airtime User Panel.

    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • Hardware is in UTC, and all others are in same timezone (-3.00 CLST). Airtime clock is ok, but all the programs are 1 hour moved.
  • There are Airtime CLOCKS - the important one is in the USER options.
    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.