Connection failed Service airtime-liquidsoap
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:32:04
Action: restart
Description: failed protocol test [generic] at INET[localhost:1234] via TCP -- GENERIC: receiving unexpected data [] -- No match
Strange thing is even if it's 'succeeded' and liquidsoap is running as a process (I always check that first with top) the station is silent until I restart airtime-playout service. The stream is 'on' - scheduled play - in the web interface but on-air is out.Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:44:10
Action: alert
Description: connection succeeded to INET[localhost:1234] via TCP
radio = fallback(track_sensitive = false, [radio, security]) # for Airtime substitute radio = default #track_sensitive = false lets the songs(security) cut out upon avaibility of the playlist #track_sensitive = false lets the songs(security) plays to the end as soon as your mp3 playlist end,you will have dead air(offline) The function above provide a loopback to your music please read this For the scripts I provide you can almost use them without scheduling anything Voisses
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