sound configuration - Airtime on Ubuntu Server in a VirtualBox
  • Hi folks

    I'm playing with an Airtime installation in a VirtualBox and can't get sound to make it out to the physical machine. I've installed the sound packages on the server (it's running the server version of ubuntu, not the desktop) but nothing makes it out.

    I am not using icecast but direct sound card output in Airtime.

  • 10 Comments sorted by
  • On the server I have installed these three packages: linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils
    I then ran sudo alsamixer and turned up the volume on all the controls.
    pavucontrol on the host now shows a VBOX application, but no sound comes through.

    Is there another package I need?
  • Try this command and post the output

    /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_bin/liquidsoap /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/library/pervasives.liq 'ignore(output.alsa(sine()))'
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • 2011/11/22 09:31:46 >>> LOG START
    2011/11/22 09:31:45 [protocols.external:3] Didn't find "ufetch".
    2011/11/22 09:31:45 [protocols.external:3] Found "/usr/bin/wget".
    2011/11/22 09:31:45 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.0.0-beta2
    2011/11/22 09:31:45 [main:3] Using: pcre=6.0.1 dtools=0.2.2 duppy=0.4.0 duppy.syntax=0.4.0 cry=0.2.0 mm=0.1.0 xmlplaylist=0.1.2 ogg=0.4.2 vorbis=0.6.0 mad=0.4.2 flac=0.1.0 flac.ogg=0.1.0 lame=0.3.0 alsa=0.2.1 samplerate=0.1.1 taglib=0.1.4 camomile=0.7.1 portaudio=@VERSION ladspa=0.1.2
    2011/11/22 09:31:45 [dynamic.loader:2] Could not load plugins in directory /usr/local/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0-beta2/plugins.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [lang:3] Lastfm/audioscrobbler support was not compiled.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz master.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [threads:3] Created thread "alsa_out(default)" (1 total).
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_alsa" (2 total).
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [clock.wallclock_alsa:3] Streaming loop starts, synchronized by active sources.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [alsa_out(default):3] Using ALSA
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [threads:1] Thread "alsa_out(default)" aborts with exception Alsa error: No such file or directory!
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [threads:3] Raised by primitive operation at file "", line 0, characters 0-0
    Thread 3 killed on uncaught exception Alsa.Unknown_error(2)
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [main:3] Shutdown started!
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [main:3] Waiting for threads to terminate...
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [clock.wallclock_alsa:3] Streaming loop stopped.
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [threads:3] Thread "wallclock_alsa" terminated (0 remaining).
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 [main:3] Cleaning downloaded files...
    2011/11/22 09:31:46 >>> LOG END

  • Ok so Liquidsoap doesn't want to work with ALSA in your VM. You can try another some other sound API's such as, and see which one works on your configuration.

    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Might it be a permission thing? What makes me think that is that I need to run "alsamixer" & "aplay -l" as sudo, otherwise they can't find the audio device ...

  • OK, it helps if one learns how to really un-mute the sound output using the console-based alsa-mixer. ;-)

    So, it is working now using alsa.

    In summary, on ubuntu server outputing to the sound card (not icecast) one needs to install linux-sound-base then run "sudo alsamixer", press the "m" key to un-mute the desired output and the arrow keys to raise or lower the volume.
  • Great, Thanks for writing up the solution :)
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Hi, I am having exactly this problem:

    2011/12/05 18:05:24 >>> LOG START
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [protocols.external:3] Didn't find "ufetch".
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [protocols.external:3] Found "/usr/bin/wget".
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.0.0-beta2
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [main:3] Using: pcre=6.0.1 dtools=0.2.2 duppy=0.4.0 duppy.syntax=0.4.0 cry=0.2.0 mm=0.1.0 xmlplaylist=0.1.2 ogg=0.4.2 vorbis=0.6.0 mad=0.4.2 flac=0.1.0 flac.ogg=0.1.0 lame=0.3.0 alsa=0.2.1 samplerate=0.1.1 taglib=0.1.4 camomile=0.7.1 portaudio=@VERSION ladspa=0.1.2
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [dynamic.loader:2] Could not load plugins in directory /usr/local/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0-beta2/plugins.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [lang:3] Lastfm/audioscrobbler support was not compiled.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz master.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [threads:3] Created thread "alsa_out(default)" (1 total).
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_alsa" (2 total).
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [clock.wallclock_alsa:3] Streaming loop starts, synchronized by active sources.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [alsa_out(default):3] Using ALSA 1.0.23.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [threads:1] Thread "alsa_out(default)" aborts with exception Alsa error: No such file or directory!
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [threads:3] Raised by primitive operation at file "", line 0, characters 0-0
    Thread 3 killed on uncaught exception Alsa.Unknown_error(2)
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [main:3] Shutdown started!
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [main:3] Waiting for threads to terminate...
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [clock.wallclock_alsa:3] Streaming loop stopped.
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [threads:3] Thread "wallclock_alsa" terminated (0 remaining).
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 [main:3] Cleaning downloaded files...
    2011/12/05 18:05:24 >>> LOG END

    The solution of using alsamixer to unmute channels is not working for me. I get the same error for both:

    and for 
    I get the error:
    he variable out used here has not been previously
    any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Reply to @Alex:

    What is the output of "aplay -l"?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Reply to @Alex:

    Also, do you get any text output when you type the following:

    cat ~/.asoundrc

    Airtime Pro Hosting: