Aitime 1.7 dev
  • Hi,
    I am currently testing airtime 1.7 under a ubuntu 10.04 box. The only thing I have altered is the localhost in url for the website (my vhosts don't allow localhost) but after I successfully schedule a show and the stream starts fine, I get after a while (not after a specific amount of time) the following error and the stream falls-back to silent.mp3:
    2011-03-19 17:22:26,455 ERROR - [ : load_schedule() : line 204] -
    2011-03-19 17:22:26,472 WARNING - [ : push() : line 69] - Unable to loop schedule - maybe write in progress?
    2011-03-19 17:22:26,472 WARNING - [ : push() : line 70] - Will try again in next loop.

    Any hint for the cause of the problem?


  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • ktsouk,

    The latest git revision should fix this problem. Please uninstall the current version, then do a git pull + install.
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