i just installed the newly released airtime 1.6.1. I did the regular 1.6 install and got the following in the /etc/service/pypo-liquidsoap/log/main/current:
@400000004d6cb9141d5be844 *** Daemontools: starting liquidsoap
@400000004d6cb9141e3208ac exec sudo -u pypo /opt/pypo/bin/liquidsoap/liquidsoap /opt/pypo/bin/scripts/ls_script.liq
@400000004d6cb91420eb48c4 Fatal error: exception Sys_error("/usr/share/camomile/database/general_category.mar: No such file or directory")
Obviously there is no camomile tea in my /usr/share dir. Where could this have come from?
Thanks for your support and great airtime package.
Well, that was quick. Sorry, but there is still something wrong. The push and fetch logs give the usual 404 errors. Before installing libcamomile-ocaml-dev i uninstalled. After that i re-installed. This is the output:
******************************** Install Begin *********************************
*** Database Installation ***
* User airtime created.
* Database 'airtime' created.
* Connected to database
* Installing Postgres scripting language
* Creating database tables
*** Directory Setup ***
* Skipping directory already exists: /var/www/clients/client1/web2/web/airtime/files
* Directory /var/www/clients/client1/web2/web/airtime/files/stor created
* Setting dir permissions...
* Importing sample audio clips
liquidsoap: no process found
Cannot find user pypo
/usr/sbin/deluser: The user `pypo' does not exist.
Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
Starting daemontool script pypo-fetch
Starting daemontool script pypo-push
Starting daemontool script pypo-liquidsoap
Checking and removing any existing pypo processes
Checking for user pypo
Creating user pypo
Creating log directories
Creating directory /var/log/pypo
Creating directory /opt/pypo/
Creating directory /opt/pypo/bin
Creating directory /opt/pypo/cache
Creating directory /opt/pypo/files
Creating directory /opt/pypo/tmp
Creating directory /opt/pypo/files/basic
Creating directory /opt/pypo/files/fallback
Creating directory /opt/pypo/files/jingles
Creating directory /opt/pypo/archive
Copying pypo files
Installing 32-bit liquidsoap binary
Removing old directory /opt/pypo/bin/
Copying directory /var/www/clients/client1/web2/web/airtime/pypo/install/.. to /opt/pypo/bin/
Setting permissions
Installing daemontool script pypo-fetch
Creating directory /etc/service/pypo-fetch
Creating directory /etc/service/pypo-fetch/log
Installing daemontool script pypo-push
Creating directory /etc/service/pypo-push
Creating directory /etc/service/pypo-push/log
Installing daemontool script pypo-liquidsoap
Creating directory /etc/service/pypo-liquidsoap
Creating directory /etc/service/pypo-liquidsoap/log
Waiting for processes to start...
/etc/service/pypo-fetch: up (pid 14325) 1 seconds
/etc/service/pypo-push: up (pid 14326) 1 seconds
/etc/service/pypo-liquidsoap: up (pid 14259) 5 seconds
I have seen this before in both the /etc/service/pypo-fetch/log/main/current and /etc/service/pypo-push/log/main/current. The api_key can't be found and therefore it states a 404 - not found error.
> We slightly modified the install procedure for 1.6.1. An additional
> package is required.
> Try the following:
> sudo apt-get install libcamomile-ocaml-dev
Thanks for the tip, I have added this dependency to the manual. Does
this mean an uninstall and reinstall of Airtime is required, after
libcamomile-ocaml-dev is installed?
I got it working now. There was an error in the /etc/apache/sites-available/enabled file. I corrected it and did an apache reload.
It has to do with ISPConfig. I mentioned it earlier in this thread and will explain the solution there: http://forum.sourcefabric.org/index.php/t/3371/
> I got it working now. There was an error in the
> /etc/apache/sites-available/enabled file. I corrected it and did an
> apache reload.
> It has to do with ISPConfig. I mentioned it earlier in this thread and
> will explain the solution there:
> http://forum.sourcefabric.org/index.php/t/3371/
Thanks for the tip! In the forthcoming Debian package we set up an entry
in sites-available automatically.
Also you can use the a2ensite command instead of copying the file
manually to sites-enabled, it's much more convenient.