I cannot upgrade from 3.4.2 to 3.4.3:
-copy all files form 3.4.3 to 3.4.2 folder,
-run upgrade.php
-get error "While upgrading the database: Can't upgrade database pridonme_campsite: it doesn't exist".
Database exist! What wrong?
> When I click 'Start schedule' i get the
> following error
> -* Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in
> /usr/share/campcaster/www/htmlUI/var/html/ui_handler.php on line 475*
That's a known bug in 1.4.0-beta4. For now, please start the scheduler
on the command line:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/campcaster-station start
> I'm only testing campcaster at the moment and so far looks promising but
> i've lots of hurdles
The 1.4.1 release will be out soon, with plenty of bugfixes. The 1.6
release is due at the end of this year, with lots of cool new features.
Basically you would need to just list articles from the latest issue; you
may select only articles that go to the front page.
{{ list_articles constraints="OnFrontPage is on" }}
You should:
1. prepare a template for the announcement (listing headlines)
2. assign it as the "Front Page Template" to the yet to be published
3. preview the yet to be published issue
4. copy paste the output to email