Re: [campsite-support] Image Upload error
  • I've looked into it, and i see why no error message is being given. A
    revised version of Image.php is attached (give me your email address if
    you dont see the attachment). Put it in
    /usr/local/campsite/www-common/html/classes/ (assuming you've used the
    default installation location). This will at least tell you what the
    problem is. Note: the revised version of Image.php is based on 2.5
    code. So if you are running 2.4.X or less, dont use this file.

    - Paul wrote:
    > Author: jimmybondo
    > Link:,4092,4092#msg-4092
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > I seem to be having yet another problem. When I try to use the image uploader, I always get an error. What is strange about this error is that it is just simply a box titled error, and a bullet point. That's it, no text with the bullet point.
    > I have a feeling that this might have something to do with imagemagic not being installed as root. I bypassed the check during instll by pointing to my home folder, where imagemagic was installed. I have since had the admin install imagemagick on the server.
    > Could it have anything to do with the templates? The photos in the demo templates seem to be fine. I really appreciate everyone's help.
    > Thank you,
    > Jim
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • I sent an email to you, I cannot find that attatchment.
  • That worked great! It told me it could not upload to the image directory. I just went and changed the permissions, so now it works! Thanks!