Hi all, This is a mail from Tomas Hlava, who wrote the storage server and many of the Campcaster XML-RPC methods, responding to Fabiano's mail from a few days ago. -- dougTo: Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.orgFrom: Tomas Hlava <th@red2head.com>Date: 10/09/2009 05:10PMSubject: Re: [campcaster-dev] Exorcizing NFS/SMB/SSHFSHi Doug,using HTTP to make storage server completely accessible over XMLRPC wasthe original idea, but there have been requirement from scheduler sideto have media resources seekable without need to copy whole resource overHTTP to scheduler cache. Using HTTP to access media is not very hard toimplement in storageServer, but could possible generate some issue inscheduler.Next comments are inline in quotation with *** prefix.best regards-- Tom