we have configured svn+ssh access to our subversion server
source.campware.org. We would like to use only this kind of access for
developers in future and leave plain svn protocol for read-only anonymous
access only. To do so I would like to ask you to send me your SSH public
keys to my email address -- I have found some of your keys in home folders
on old code server, but I would like to be sure that I have the correct
ones. After that you will be able to access our subversion repository in
this way:
(you are accessing the server via SSH tunnel using user "svn", your public
SSH key is used for authentication -- no passwords here. After that your
real username (based on public SSH key) is used for subversion
authentication -- again, no passwords)
As you already know, we are moving/documenting/sorting-out all services
from old code server to the new one. Because of this, some domain names
which are used for accessing services has been changed. You can find
up-to-date overview of these domains and possible other important changes
here: http://trac.campware.org/campware/wiki/CampwareDomains