[campcaster-dev] LiveCD tools: Reconstructor and UCK
  • Hi all,

    It looks like the making of LiveCDs has gotten a _lot_ easier than it was
    when we first started out with the LiveSupport LiveCD.

    Here are a couple of interesting tools that make the process a lot easier:
    Reconstructor and UCK. -- doug



    Reconstructor is an Ubuntu GNU/Linux CD Creator.

    It uses the Desktop(Live), Alternate(Install), or Server disc as a base,
    and then allows for user customization.

    For the Ubuntu Desktop base, you can customize the entire environment. For
    instance, you can add/remove software, change the default look (splash,
    themes, fonts, wallpaper, etc.), add desktop links, etc.

    For the Alternate and Server bases, you can add any additional software to
    the disc that you would like installed.

    Reconstructor is written in python and is licensed under the GNU General
    Public License (GPL).


    The unfortunately-named UCK stands for the Ubuntu Customization Kit. It's
    at http://uck.sourceforge.net/ :

    UCK is a tool that helps you customizing official Ubuntu Live CDs
    (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. You can add any
    package to the live system, for example language packs, or applications.