Re: [campcaster-dev] Studio Redesign
  • So, this means that we have decided to give
    suggestions and to change complete ideology of the software, although
    CampCaster concept is still unfinished, and we are only on ½ of the way
    of the
    whole project. This is not the first time  I hear the word "concept
    redesign" that is always suggested whenever there is lack of
    understanding of general concept and idea. Mailing list of users and
    their questions only confirm my impressions.                          

     Paul, do you have
    some real reason why you have started this issue on which you already
    several reactions? I think that some of your suggestions are fine, but
    it seems
    to me that you haven’t completely understood how CampCaster really
    works. Maybe that is my mistake also, although it looks to me that my
    previous instructions and descriptions weren't read and  implemented
    into general project concept, as some sort of instructions for the
    programmers to lead on.

    For the last three years, I have described in
    details how
    things work in one radio station, and how the software should work, and
    giving suggestions
    about its graphical and system design. All of them have been considered
    possible to implement (more or less), but most of them haven’t been
    activated yet,
    so that the software in its current condition doesn’t work very
    logical. When we
    activate all those features in one of the next releases, then we can
    talk about
    having some graphical and functional repairs, and minor redesign in
    order for
    the software to work properly. Entering additional features whose role
    is to do the bypass of the system in order for the patient to walk,
    brings only short term joy, but long term problems. Generally, by doing
    that, we will endanger the first idea and vision of the whole platform
    and we will reduce the list of all the goodies that made us far ahead
    of the best versions of Windows radio softwares. As I can see here, we
    are returning to the Winamp concept,and then I ask myself-what is our
    general goal afterall.

    I hope that developers won’t understand my English
    as too demanding
    and angry, but as one constructive perception, that we all want at the
    end. I
    have deep respect for our whole team, and I am very happy and pleased
    that our
    system is finally stable (well done guys!!)Smile)). But, on the other
    there is
    some serious campaign going on in the public about our software. Radio
    B92 is
    expecting final advanced version of CC since May `06, so that they can
    it live
    in radio program, and also many radio stations since September look for
    answers for many  issues.
    I myself am not too happy about the screen design on the
    some windows
    size, buttons appearance, popups etc in our current version, but I
    really think
    we should stick to the course now and not doing the redesigning. There
    will be
    plenty of time for that later. Let`s go boys, future is waiting for

    So I will head for the comments of Ferenc’s
    suggestions he
    Before that, I would agree with Paul
    about one major
    redesign issue -
    that the concept of too many not-grouped windows on the desktop is not
    practical and for me, visually very exhausting.
    My first idea was that we see only CC on our screen ( full screen
    please !)  as
    one  main window for which I know what it
    is working, and not to see desktop icons somewhere in the background
    that are
    not usable at all.   This full screen software (only CC across
    the whole
    is something I recommended since the beginning, and personally, I would
    be very
    happy if we can come back to that idea again.  But if there is an
    for CC
    to ‘remember’ what windows user opened last ( it works on my test
    machine), maybe we could forget this
    for a while, although I am sure that this issue about ‘full screen
    will have its turn in the future release.
     About the use case scenario:

    “1. The audio technician
    opens a file
    browser to a USB stick or a network drive, selects the files prepared
    by the
    journalists, and drops them on a desktop shortcut for the Mass Import
    script. “ 
     Journalist (after recording and
    editing audio
    uploads the report in the system. He can do that either from the
    studio, or outside
    of it. Journalist uploads audio files one by one into the system, and
    important info containing informations about date and time of the
    material into
    voice ID tags. After finishing transfer, he shuts down all windows, or
    to import next audio report.
    Mass import function can be useful only once
    during the
    whole work of CC, on the very beginning – when big database containing
    50.000 audio
    mp3 files (or more) have to be imported 
    into the CC, so that it can be used. After first few days of CC
    and living, this Mass import function will become less and less useful
    in the
    regular daily use of CC.
    The disadvantages of Mass import for later usage
    is that
    Mass import script doesn’t know what we upload, and it can’t do the
    sorting out
    by categories (music, jingles, journalist reports, commercials,
    effects...).  Mass import is necessary evil that we have in order to
    help the radio stations that already work, to transfer to our system
    more easily, and not having to import 50.000 tracks one by one. After
    that, our advice would be to use ID tag for editing metadata.        
      In the interest of the radio station is to have necessary ID for
    journalist report, that can later make the search by topic, mentioned
    place or time, much easier. And also music, with its music ID tags, has
    additional categories of evaluation (beat, tempo, mood, bpm…), that
    also have major
    role in advanced search, which is important for us for later random or
    play as part of the future features.

    “ 2. He starts
    up Studio,
    which opens the sub-windows to the
    configuration in which he left them the previous day.”
    (I have
    tried it and it works),  ok. But I will repeat again, full screen
    without desktop image and desktop icons visible behind it, would be
    and best solution.


    “3a. The Search window has
    an option for searching for files added
    recently.  He finds the files he just added, and drags them over to the
    Live Mode window.”
    I agree, it won't do us no harm. Of
    major function is search by determined criteria. (like ‘recently added

    “3b. Optionally: searches
    for some
    more files, and adds these to the Live Mode window as well. 
    3c. He adds some jingles from the Scratchpad to the Live Mode Window. “

    Drag and drop of audio file directly into LiveMode
    window is the feature that has been asked before, but it seems that it
    take place anywhere.
    I vote again for drag’n’drop function, in all
    where audio file can be seen.
    I need to comment ScratchPad as well. As the
    end-user I can
    hardly understand its general use, except when creating a show as an
    Its frustrating popping up and its constant presence during the entire
    really depresses me. I would rather add the possibility to turn the
    off, ( as Sava already said:  to
    be less central to the concept.),  or  -   to give it some higher
    and more useful role instead. 
    Since it is never the right time, I will now dare
    to suggest
    something, and developers, please, don’t throw tons of bricks on me
    right away.

    So, Scratchpad should collect only jingles, announcements,
    instrumentals, and
    other most used audio background for radio shows. In radio world I
    call this-
    ‘specific audio equipment’, that is in relation with certain radio
    shows determined
    by day and hour, and not in relation with users that are working in
    shifts. Consider this
    ScratchPad not
    as the complete jingle database, but as the specific list of mostly
    jingles for certain shows, broadcasted in determined time.
    “4. He rearranges the files
    in the
    Live Mode window to the correct order; marks some of them as "beds",
    ie, background sounds which will loop continuously when played.”
    I agree .  That is how CampCaster should work, (except that this
    ‘beds’ function-where
    certain audio files should go to loop as background sounds, can’t be
    properly right now like it was determined in advanced version) .
    For now,
    switching on the repeat function on audio file, should do the job and
    save the
    situation – but of course, only in Live Assistant mode.
    “* Grey out instead of
    remove played items in the Live Mode window, and allow the contents to
    be saved
    as a playlist metafile.”
    I hope I understood you well, but
    I am afraid that for common users in radio program, this will be a
    visual problem.
    Tracks that have been broadcasted, won’t be broadcasted again in the
    future – that is the principle. The exceptions are only news, that can
    played again hour by hour. I don’t understand, why the audio slot have
    to be
    grayed out
    , if it has already been played, and won’t be played again.
    If you thought of an idea of having "list what has been broadcasted",
    like some kind of log history, I vote for that! This history list
    should be visible in some other window outside broadcast studio,
    visible from the outside and printable.


    I hope this mail wasn’t too long for you.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi Robert -
    Thanks for the very detailed feedback, this is what I was hoping for
    when I wrote the original email. Its extremely helpful because I didnt
    know your point of view on most of these aspects. (For example, I
    thought that you were in favor of the multi-window setup...because why
    would the design team make many little windows when the customer wanted
    a single window?) It seems you have been sharing your point of view for
    a while, but it was never recorded anywhere for us new people to look
    at. Because of this, I have copied your comments into the wiki page on
    this topic:

    Robert Klajn wrote:
    > Paul, do you have some real reason why you have started this issue on which you
    > already have several reactions? I think that some of your suggestions are fine,
    > but it seems to me that you haven