[campcaster-dev] Schedule for 1.1.0 release
  • =============================================
    The schedule for the Campcaster 1.1.0 release

    Sometime between Nov 17-20
    SVN tagged for RC1
    RC1 packages released to sourceforge
    These are being released a bit late cause we decided to try to make the
    packages smaller, as well as fit in a bunch of extra bug fixes.

    Week of Nov 16-Nov 23
    Tweaking, bug fixing, finishing features, testing

    Nov 23
    All features must be in, if they are not in by this date they will be
    dropped. Notable features that must be in by this date to avoid being
    #1912 - show previously played songs
    #1971 - SMIL playlists take a long time to start
    #1967 - Artist does not show up when playing playlist

    Week of Nov 23-Nov 29
    For this week, only bug fixes are allowed. No more tweaks, no more
    major changes. If you are not working on a bug at this time you should
    be testing the apps and trying to break them. Testing is important
    work, and spending a couple days testing is time well spent.

    Nov 27
    Release announcements prepared
    Hopefully all bugs are fixed by now, everyone should just be testing.

    Nov 29
    SVN branched for 1.1.0
    1.1.0-Final packages are created

    Nov 30
    Release packages to sourceforge
    Make release announcements to various web sites and mailing lists

    Dec 1
    Party! Smile