[campcaster-support] Web Scheduler scheduled playlist plays silently
  • I am trying to use campcaster beta3 on ubuntu hardy. I did change the code
    to add sebastian's jan 20th changeset 3352 to enable relaying web streams.

    I am having trouble with the web version of the scheduler. When I schedule a
    playlist, there is no sound when the playlist should be playing.

    I can schedule playlists through the desktop version of the scheduler, and
    they play correctly with sound. The schedule that I created in the web
    scheduler shows up in the desktop version. Also, the web gui acts like it is
    playing the playlist at the correct time. The web gui shows what part of the
    playlist should be playing, and progresses through each element in the
    playlist at the correct time. There is just no sound from the web scheduled

    Any ideas on what could be happening or how I might fix this?

    peace, Josh