As far as I can tell, the 1.3 packages don't work with Hardy due to
dependency issues. It might be possible to make some packages using the
instructions in the release process document at
What you'd probably have to do is update the dependency list in the
campcaster /etc/debian directory and then make Hardy-compatible packages.
I think that should work.
What do you think is going on? Is it a conflict between ALSA and
Also, I've asked Nebojsa Grujic - who did the work on the 1.4 release - to
take a look at this, but he may not get to it quickly as he doesn't have a
lot of time at the moment.
I've been looking into the high CPU Usage and it may be Ubuntu Hardy and
not Campcaster. Specifically, people have had problems with alsa 1.0.15
Downgrading alsa didn't work for me, was wondering if there are Campcaster
1.3 packages for Hardy. If so then I could determine whether this is a CC
problem or an Ubuntu - Hardy - Alsa problem.