Today I received a mail from Jean-Claude Bisenius, who works with Atrexx,
a German provider of digital satellite solutions and an early adopter of
Campcaster, about a workaround they have found when they have gotten
upload file size errors. I will add this to the Campcaster manual shortly.
-- douglas
Dear Douglas,
Thank you very much for your support. Markus asked me to send you a few
lines about how we solved the issue with the max. size of files to be
uploaded into Campcaster.
The relevant php.ini can be found in our case at
/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. This will set the so called Master Value of php
as can be seen from phpinfo().
However, the so called Local Value of php is not changed - and this is
relevant. The reason is that Campcaster 1.3 installs a configuration file,
called 90_php_campcaster.conf, in the Apache2 configuration directory
which sets the limits. In this configuration file both variables need to
be changed, as detailed below. After a restart of the web server, the new
variables are then shown also in the Local Value of php.