In our experience, playlist length is directly related to CPU speed; the
faster the CPU, the longer and more complex the playlists can be. To be
safe, we recommend that playlist duration be shorter than 2 hours and
longer than 20 seconds. Also, very complex playlists (those with playlists
nested inside other playlists nested inside other playlists) can also tax
the CPU.
We mention this in our page on known bugs and bug workarounds:
It's also a good idea to look at our developers' page in general:
We are also in the process of testing the new 1.4 version of Campcaster,
which may address some of these issues because it is a total rewrite of
the Campcaster plugin to the Gstreamer audio framework.
Hope this helps,
Media Development Loan Fund
Douglas Arellanes
Head of Research and Development
Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
Mobile: +420 724 073 364
Skype and Yahoo IM: dougiegyro
I'm trying out the scheduler, for a while now, and I think this is a
problem. when I create a playlist of over 2h, it will funtion but will not
play any audio.
is this normal? can I change this problem?
is there a maximum lenght?
Please let me know, for we will use the campcaster program, we are relying
on it to start our radio.