[campcaster-support] Postgres problem
  • I have a clean install of Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon (ver. 7.10). It is less than 48 hours old.

    I added the apt line: deb http://code.campware.org/ubuntu feisty main changing "feisty" to "gutsy" into the Synaptic repository.

    I installed 3 Campcaster files. During the installation I received the following message:

    "The PostgreSQL version 8.1 is obsolete, but you still have the server and/or client package installed. Please install the latest packages (postgresql-8.2 and postgresql-client-8.2) and upgrade your existing clusters with pg_upgradecluster (see manpage).

    Please be aware that the installation of postgresql-8.2 will automatically create a default cluster 8.2/main. If you want to upgrade the 8.1/main cluster, you need to remove the already existing 8.2 cluster (pg_dropcluster --stop 8.2 main, see manpage for details).

    The old server and client packages are not supported any more. After having upgraded the existing clusters, you should remove the postgresql-8.1 and postgresql-client-8.1 packages."

    Using Synaptic, I uninstalled version 8.1 and installed 8.2. Upon calling (invoking) Campcaster I received a error message about using as the server address. I then uninstalled Campcaster.

    I had previously seen: Campcaster Installation & Setup at http://code.campware.org/projects/campcaster/wiki/CheatSheet.

    As I had a very recent install of Ubuntu/Gutsy, I thought I was OK.

    What need to be done to make Campcaster KOTOR run under Gutsy Gibbon?
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  • I installed a fresh 7.10 a few days ago and was banging my had over this since...
    It appears that some joker changed default port for postgres to 5433. Simply edit /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/postgresql.conf and change port to 5432. It worked in my case.
    Someone please update relevant dev pages as this can be very annoying to resolve.