[campcaster-support] stanica MIR question
  • Hi,

    Can someone help out Kruno Jost with his question?


    ----- Forwarded by Douglas Arellanes/Mdlf on 08/30/2007 07:09 PM -----

    kruno jost
    08/30/2007 04:56 PM cc:
    Subject: stanica
    MIR question


    Free Radio: Stanica M.I.R. (http://stanicamir.org/) is network of free
    internet radios. Our streaming is going over Montevideo server in
    Amsterdam but soon we are planing to migrate to one in Croatia. we have
    been checking Campcaster for some time and thinking that it will be
    perforct for waht we do. But there is couple of questions that we cannot
    figure out is it possible:

    Streaming on Stanica MIR goes from different towns in different time.
    there is no real schedule and time varies a lot. in between live
    streaming we would like to have a play list so our radio wouldn't be
    silent between live streams from around Croatia.

    We are wondering how can we manipulate campcaster software so that when
    a stream is started in Dubrovnik (for example) we can stop a play list
    (that is on server in Zagreb for example) and make a live stream from
    Dubrovnik just like next item on playlist. When finished with live
    streaming a possibilities that someone else automatically connects from
    Split, or that play list (from podcast server) plays can be option.

    Hope you understand me, and hope that you can help us. We have been
    following project for some time now and were hopping that it will
    develop to a something that will help us. Now it looks like right time,
    but as we are more of free open source media than free open source
    people we have some difficulties in starting campcaster on our machine
    (running Ubuntu studio).

    thnx for all your help and for great thing you are developing!

    Kruno Jost