[campsite-support] taking content from campsite for print publication
  • Can anyone advise on how to take content from Campsite for use in page layout for a print publication. What is the approporate page layout program, eg. Adobe Indesign? Can content changes introduced in print page layout be reflected in the campsite content? How is this done?
    Paul Farrelly
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Paul,

    Among the Campsite developers we've always talked about integrating
    Campsite with print output - something that for better or worse has been
    called the Supercontentor. It wouldn't be difficult to create templates in
    Campsite that would output articles with Xpress Tags (.xtg) or other
    similar formatting elements, but it gets a lot more complicated when going
    back the other way, especially when an article is up on the flats, gets
    corrected and then needs to be input back into the database; such a
    'roundtrip' mechanism doesn't exist for Campsite as yet, although it's
    been high on our wish list for quite some time.

    Personally, I expect this will get a lot easier now that Campsite is
    moving toward a proper API for handling articles. We'll see how this
    develops. And of course, if you're interested in pursuing this, we'd
    welcome the help.

    doug arellanes

    02/17/2006 08:35 PM
    Please respond to campsite-support

    To: campsite-support@campware.org
    Subject: [campsite-support] taking content from campsite for print publication

    Can anyone advise on how to take content from Campsite for use in page
    layout for a print publication. What is the approporate page layout
    program, eg. Adobe Indesign? Can content changes introduced in print page
    layout be reflected in the campsite content? How is this done?
    Paul Farrelly
  • There are at least three methods from getting the content out of Campsite:

    1) you can extract the data by using the PHP campsite API.
    (see: http://code.campware.org/projects/campsite/wiki/CampsiteAPI)
    2) you can use the template language to display the content in a certain
    way (not limited to HTML)
    3) you can access the database directly

    As for getting content back into Campsite, you can use the Campsite API
    or insert into the database directly. This means you will have to
    write custom scripts for this sort of thing.

    Can you describe in more detail what you are trying to do? Then we
    might be able to help you better.

    - Paul

    paul@thewholenote.com wrote:
    > Can anyone advise on how to take content from Campsite for use in
    > page layout for a print publication. What is the approporate page
    > layout program, eg. Adobe Indesign? Can content changes introduced
    > in print page layout be reflected in the campsite content? How is
    > this done? -- Paul Farrelly