Segueing in playlists
  • I have installed Live Support Studio and Live Support Station from the knopix CD to try out Live Support and learn more about its capabilities. Both packages are installed on a single computer with only one audio device.

    The segueing does not crossfade between items as I expected that it would. If I specify a transition time, the results are that item #1 in the playlist is faded out over that period of time, and once it has faded all the way to silence, item #2 fades in. Are two soundcards needed to do crossfades, or is this a feature that is not yet available in Live Support?

    Another question I have that has already been alluded to in this forum pertains playlisting music formats. The current version of the software does not seem to have a function that can build a playlist automatically given some constraints (such as assigning songs certain weights and giving the complete playlist some target duration). Would it be possible for me to write a program that could generate or modify playlists for Live Support? Would such a task involve creating/modifying XML files, or is it more complicated than that?