Can't load some audio files
  • I can't load some audio files, using the "upload file" button. This doesn't happen on every file, but when it does, I get the following error message:

    "cannot execute XML-RPC method 'locator.storeAudioClipOpen."

    I can see no difference between the audio files which give me this error message, and those which do not. I have set all the permissions on the files so that anyone can read or write to them.

    Some of the files originate on another machine, come across the local network, and are edited on this machine using Audacity. After editing, these files are the ones I'd like to load into LiveSupport. I've also copied files from CD to the same folder I'm trying to access. Some of these work, and others don't, with the same error message.

    My local network is obviously running, and is connected to a machine running Fedora Core 4, which is the server. Live CD is installed on a second machine. The installation was done from the LiveSupport CD; this machine is an Athlon 1200. I believe there's 380megs or so of memory, and a 40 gig hard drive dedicated to LiveSupport. I'm running the 1.0 release, until a cd update is available. No internet access is available to the machine running LiveSupport.

    Any ideas?