[livesupport-dev] Use Case 7.6: Archive
  • Hi all,

    I've put up the first draft of Use Case 7.6: Archive. It's up on the Wiki


    Please make your comments directly on the text.

    As with the other use cases that are up, it's a _wiki_, folks, so if you
    don't like something or don't like the formatting or whatever, feel free
    to change it. While I'm a deeply interested party in this process, I'm not
    the only one here, so please take a pro-active approach with these.

    The system tracks version history, so it's not a problem to do a diff to
    see what's been changed.

    If you don't have an account on Trac, please let me know and I'll arrange
    that for you.


    Media Development Loan Fund
    Douglas Arellanes
    Head of Research and Development
    Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
    Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
    Czech Republic
    Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
    Mobile: +420 724 073 364
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Here's a question about the Archive: How should it be displayed if the
    station does not have the archive installed? Would there be a 'registry'
    of add-ons that would need to be created?


    Media Development Loan Fund
    Douglas Arellanes
    Head of Research and Development
    Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
    Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
    Czech Republic
    Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
    Mobile: +420 724 073 364

    12/07/2005 11:33 AM
    Please respond to livesupport-dev

    To: livesupport-dev@campware.org
    Subject: [livesupport-dev] Use Case 7.6: Archive

    Hi all,

    I've put up the first draft of Use Case 7.6: Archive. It's up on the Wiki


    Please make your comments directly on the text.

    As with the other use cases that are up, it's a _wiki_, folks, so if you
    don't like something or don't like the formatting or whatever, feel free
    to change it. While I'm a deeply interested party in this process, I'm not
    the only one here, so please take a pro-active approach with these.

    The system tracks version history, so it's not a problem to do a diff to
    see what's been changed.

    If you don't have an account on Trac, please let me know and I'll arrange
    that for you.


    Media Development Loan Fund
    Douglas Arellanes
    Head of Research and Development
    Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
    Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
    Czech Republic
    Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
    Mobile: +420 724 073 364
  • Hi all,
    Downloading 1.0.2 to check it out for a community radio station in
    The Archive (UC 7.6)would be great. In the UK we have to continuously
    record the station output in such a way that we can extract and send to
    the regulatory authority any program or part of that they call for up to
    35 days or so after transmission. So the use case in the wiki just now
    would be fine for Scotland.

    Ian Smith
    On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 11:33 +0100, Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I've put up the first draft of Use Case 7.6: Archive. It's up on the
    > Wiki at
    > http://code.campware.org/projects/livesupport/wiki/UC-7.6
    > Please make your comments directly on the text.
    > As with the other use cases that are up, it's a _wiki_, folks, so if
    > you don't like something or don't like the formatting or whatever,
    > feel free to change it. While I'm a deeply interested party in this
    > process, I'm not the only one here, so please take a pro-active
    > approach with these.
    > The system tracks version history, so it's not a problem to do a diff
    > to see what's been changed.
    > If you don't have an account on Trac, please let me know and I'll
    > arrange that for you.
    > doug
    > =============================================
    > Media Development Loan Fund
    > =============================================
    > Douglas Arellanes
    > Head of Research and Development
    > Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
    > Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
    > Czech Republic
    > Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
    > Mobile: +420 724 073 364
    > http://www.mdlf-camp.net
    > http://www.campware.org
    > =============================================
    > http://www.mdlf.org
    > =============================================
  • Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org wrote:
    > As with the other use cases that are up, it's a _wiki_, folks, so if you
    > don't like something or don't like the formatting or whatever, feel free
    > to change it. While I'm a deeply interested party in this process, I'm
    > not the only one here, so please take a pro-active approach with these.

    that's true. but this being a wiki or a collaborative effort does not
    imply that one would clean up after the other...

  • Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org wrote:
    > Here's a question about the Archive: How should it be displayed if the
    > station does not have the archive installed? Would there be a 'registry'
    > of add-ons that would need to be created?

    IMHO if a component is not available, it should either not be presented
    in the UI, or should be presented and displayed as unavailable (grayed
    out, etc.)