[livesupport-dev] LiveSupport help
  • Hi, were a student radio station and were trying to use LiveSupport.

    Managed to get through the tarball installation of livesupport-1.0.2, will rant on that later, so its all compilied + db setup so run schedular.sh start and get:

    Tygra:/home/studio/livesupport-1.0.2 # /usr/local2/bin/scheduler.sh start
    Starting the LiveSupport scheduler...
    using config file '/usr/local2/etc/scheduler.xml'
    Error XmlRpcClient::readHeader: No Content-length specified
    error executing command start
    authentication problem: Login failed.

    Err, help!!!!
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • j.p.drawneek@durham.ac.uk wrote:
    > Hi, were a student radio station and were trying to use LiveSupport.
    > Managed to get through the tarball installation of livesupport-1.0.2, will rant on that later, so its all compilied + db setup so run schedular.sh start and get:
    > Tygra:/home/studio/livesupport-1.0.2 # /usr/local2/bin/scheduler.sh start
    > Starting the LiveSupport scheduler...
    > using config file '/usr/local2/etc/scheduler.xml'
    > Error XmlRpcClient::readHeader: No Content-length specified
    > error executing command start
    > authentication problem: Login failed.

    I remember a problem like this when the wrong xmlrpc library was used.

  • Hi,

    You might want to also check to see if the link into the Apache directory
    is correctly configured.


    Media Development Loan Fund
    Douglas Arellanes
    Head of Research and Development
    Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
    Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
    Czech Republic
    Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
    Mobile: +420 724 073 364

    Stefan de Konink
    11/28/2005 01:49 AM
    Please respond to livesupport-dev

    To: livesupport-dev@campware.org
    Subject: Re: [livesupport-dev] LiveSupport help

    j.p.drawneek@durham.ac.uk wrote:
    > Hi, were a student radio station and were trying to use LiveSupport.
    > Managed to get through the tarball installation of livesupport-1.0.2,
    will rant on that later, so its all compilied + db setup so run
    schedular.sh start and get:
    > Tygra:/home/studio/livesupport-1.0.2 # /usr/local2/bin/scheduler.sh
    > Starting the LiveSupport scheduler...
    > using config file '/usr/local2/etc/scheduler.xml'
    > Error XmlRpcClient::readHeader: No Content-length specified
    > error executing command start
    > authentication problem: Login failed.

    I remember a problem like this when the wrong xmlrpc library was used.

  • > Date: November 28, 2005 06:21AM

    > Hi,

    > You might want to also check to see if the link into the Apache directory
    > is correctly configured.

    > douglas

    Check with apache and told it to FollowSymbolic link and now it starts.
    Does it need to be symbolic linked to the install dir because i want to move all the web stuff of to our dedicated web server.