[livesupport-dev] installing LS studio
  • there is a message in the manual which i would like to reply to. but what
    am i going to say?

    ferenc, akos, what's the answer to this:

    Message : --------------------------------------------------
    >ok two parts - are both needed? which part(s) do what. brief
    >instructions would be helpful here. like
    >if you want studio - install what?
    >just abrief note....somewhere? anywhere.

    Micz Flor - micz@mi.cz

    content and media development http://mi.cz
    http://www.campware.org -- http://www.suemi.de
    http://mi.cz/tellmi/ -- http://www.redaktionundalltag.de
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  • If you are installing from...

    * debian packages:

    Studio depends on Station, and Station depends on Libs. So if you want
    Studio, you need all 3 deb packages. Apt-get knows this, so 'apt-get
    install livesupport-studio' will install the other two packages, too.
    (Though I don't know if we have an official apt-get repository. Sebastian?)

    * Live CD:

    You will be prompted about which packages you want to install. It is
    possible to install Studio only, without Station, but then Station needs
    to be available on another computer, and you need to manually enter its
    IP address and port number in the configuration file
    /opt/livesupport/gLiveSupport.xml. Or possibly the installer prompts
    for this too? Michael Aschauer or Akos would know.

    * tarball:

    All three parts get installed with 'make install'; the procedure takes a
    long time, and may be intimidating at first, but it is described in
    detail at
    (you can substitute another version number for '1.0.2').


    Micz Flor wrote:
    > there is a message in the manual which i would like to reply to. but
    > what am i going to say?
    > ferenc, akos, what's the answer to this:
    > Message : --------------------------------------------------
    >> ok two parts - are both needed? which part(s) do what. brief
    >> instructions would be helpful here. like
    >> if you want studio - install what?
    >> just abrief note....somewhere? anywhere.
    > Micz Flor - micz@mi.cz
    > content and media development http://mi.cz
    > --------------------------------------------------------
    > http://www.campware.org -- http://www.suemi.de
    > http://mi.cz/tellmi/ -- http://www.redaktionundalltag.de
    > --------------------------------------------------------