[livesupport-dev] Italic /other languages translation
  • Do somebody know, or maybee you are a person who speak italic and like to
    translater the htmlUI?
    Let them contact me for instructions and login to the tool.
    Of course, also any other language is welcome.
    We already have:

    Fully done:
    - czech
    - dutch
    - english
    - german
    - hungarian
    - polish
    - spanish (done, but messed, just need some re-ordering)

    Partly done:
    - arabic
    - french
    - serbian

    Waiting for tranlation:
    - armenian
    - italic
    - russian

    If you like to do one of the incomplete, please coordinate with me, because
    we have to take care that not 2 people translating same language+screen at
    same time.
