We are extremely happy to announce the release of LiveSupport 1.0 "Adam".
LiveSupport is the first free and open radio management software that
provides live studio broadcast capabilities as well as remote automation
in one integrated system.
LiveSupport is capable of combining local audio files and remote web
streams. It supports the widely used MP3 and OGG Vorbis file formats.
Media Development Loan Fund
Douglas Arellanes
Head of Research and Development
Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
Mobile: +420 724 073 364 http://www.mdlf-camp.net http://www.campware.org
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