[campsite-dev] Re: [localizers] localizing into farsi
  • This will have to wait until we implement the PHP template engine. It displays and compares dates so the template engine must be modified too and the changes are quite big, so it's out of question to fix this for 2.6.


    Ondra Koutek wrote: One google search led me to following:


    As for this, the only problem is sometimes you need to count days in
    month diferently.

    In my opinion the best solution is to add "calendar type" in the
    language definition and simply create some conversion utility.
    Each calendar will have one, only Gregorian wil convert from gregorian
    to gregorian. For the others there will be a function, that does the
    conversion and maps one calendar to another. This function should be
    selectabe by language when translation is done and this way each issue
    in the language will get proper values (they automatically go through
    transformation function.


    On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 12:31 +0200, sava.tatic@mdlf.org wrote:
    > Dear all,
    > I have just added Arman Riazi to this list. Arman has volunteered to
    > localize Campsite into Farsi, Kurdish and Turkish.
    > Below you'll find the calendar issue he encountered regarding localization.
    > I believe Raed (Neshiewat, of Tamamtech, Amman, Jordan) and his team will
    > have some feedback regarding the issue.
    > Arman, Raed and his team have been working on a Kurdish localization as
    > well, so you should see how far they've gone (I believe they were doing
    > Kurdish in the Arabic script), but you will hear more from them. As for
    > Farsi itself, regadless of the calendar issue, please go ahead and
    > translate the other strings. We can add the months later, once we figure
    > out an elegant way of doing it.
    > Best regards,
    > Sava
    > Arman's message:
    > I have logged in and changed the password. But just noticed that when you
    > add a language, the form asks for the names of the months. The Persian
    > calendar is based on solar system and starts from the birth of Islam [some
    > big thing to do with the prophet Mohammad going from one city to another].
    > So the first day of a new year is on the spring equinox, on 21th March. And
    > the year is currently 1385. It is not correct to equate January with a
    > Persian month because there is usually a 9 day difference. I can not tell
    > how campsite works this out. But I'm sure there is way round this because
    > many Farsi sites have the correct calendars functioning.
    > So perhaps the Farsi localization is more than just simple translation of
    > strings or right to left (RTL) in the templates or in the Farsi css.
    > I looked at the Arabic translation. The Arabic calendar is based on the
    > Lunar system i.e. a month is 28 days. I'm certain that for the Arabic
    > calendar to be correct someone must have modified the code. Because as it
    > stands as simple translation of European months it would not produce a
    > correct Arabic date.
    > Any ideas, comments?
    > Turkish is much simpler because it follows the western calendar! Perhaps we
    > could do this first.
    > ---
    > Arman
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