What kind of consensus that was when three projects (Kiosk, Cream, Dream) from
five didn't say YES?
I didn't attend the Czech Gastrology Summit this year too. Now, I'm curious
what I'm gonna eat during next months? Probably some submeal .
Let's leave that. Sava explained to me his reasons and I accepted it.
On Saturday 13 August 2005 10:36, Paul Baranowski wrote:
> At summercamp we discussed this and got consensus...but we forgot to
> send out an email about this. Thats why you and John are surprised by
> this change. Sorry about that John! Nenad, you have no room to
> complain since you decided not to come to summercamp.
> Nenad Pandzic wrote:
> >>The group consensus is to switch to Trac, so John, thanks for being a
> >> good sport.
> >
> > I don't see any group consensus here. You do?
Posted to Phorum via PhorumMail
At 11:23 13.08.2005, you wrote:
>I didn't attend the Czech Gastrology Summit this year too. Now, I'm curious
>what I'm gonna eat during next months?
come on, nenad. you not being at summercamp has almost become a running gag if we would do some betting on the issue i would get good rates if you
actually made it there.
so the food comparison does not really "cut the cake". i am sure even
without going to that summit you would make something tasty from what you
find onthe street. and in this case it is trac