[campsite-support] comments-form how to?
  • Hi Guys,

    I went to publication section
    and enable comments, to be more specific I have clicked the following,

    Comments enabled: checked
    Article comments default to enabled: checked
    Public allowed to comment: checked
    Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam: checked

    if I am not mistaken it means that comments are on,

    in order to verify that comment functionality is on I did the following

    {{ if $campsite->article->comments_enabled }}


    {{ /if }}

    if comment are on I should see the message 'hello'
    unfortunately I don't,
    I have forgot or miss some other configuration option?
    And if yes can u please tell me where is it?

    On the article.tpl

    I have create a form for user to submit comments
    I end up with the following syntax:
    {{ comment_form template="classic/register.tpl" submit_button="submitfdgfdgbut4324ton3424namecommghent" html_code="id=\"ggfdghf\"" }}

    {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="nickname" html_code="id=\"vcfdewsd\"" }}

    {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="reader_email" html_code="id=\"bhgtreddfgte\"" }}

    {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="subject" html_code="id=\"saxdsertgfh\"" }}

    {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="content" html_code="id=\"dserfferwr\"" }}

    {{ camp_edit object="captcha" attribute="code" html_code="id=\"cdfrtyhgnm\"" }}

    {{ /comment_form }}

    but nothing is printed on screen,

    in order to see if I am printing in the correct place I add the following code

    {{ login_form submit_button="Send" }}
    {{ camp_edit object="login" attribute="uname" }}
    {{ camp_edit object="login" attribute="password" }}
    {{ /login_form }}

    and its there,

    can u please tell me where exactly is my mistake with the comment form?

    Lets assume that the form is there what kind of function do I need to ender the comment into db,

    is there any example?

    Thanks guys.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • There are three places where comments must be enabled:
    - publication:
    - article type:
    - article:

    Once you enabled the comments in all three places the form should show up.


    On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 8:48 PM, wrote:

    > Hi Guys,
    > I went to publication section
    > and enable comments, to be more specific I have clicked the following,
    > Comments enabled: checked
    > Article comments default to enabled: checked
    > Public allowed to comment: checked
    > Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam: checked
    > if I am not mistaken it means that comments are on,
    > in order to verify that comment functionality is on I did the following
    > {{ if $campsite->article->comments_enabled }}
    > hello
    > {{ /if }}
    > if comment are on I should see the message 'hello'
    > unfortunately I don't,
    > I have forgot or miss some other configuration option?
    > And if yes can u please tell me where is it?
    > On the article.tpl
    > I have create a form for user to submit comments
    > I end up with the following syntax:
    > {{ comment_form template="classic/register.tpl"
    > submit_button="submitfdgfdgbut4324ton3424namecommghent"
    > html_code="id=\"ggfdghf\"" }}
    > {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="nickname"
    > html_code="id=\"vcfdewsd\"" }}
    > {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="reader_email"
    > html_code="id=\"bhgtreddfgte\"" }}
    > {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="subject"
    > html_code="id=\"saxdsertgfh\"" }}
    > {{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="content"
    > html_code="id=\"dserfferwr\"" }}
    > {{ camp_edit object="captcha" attribute="code"
    > html_code="id=\"cdfrtyhgnm\"" }}
    > {{ /comment_form }}
    > but nothing is printed on screen,
    > in order to see if I am printing in the correct place I add the following
    > code
    > {{ login_form submit_button="Send" }}
    > {{ camp_edit object="login" attribute="uname" }}
    > {{ camp_edit object="login" attribute="password" }}
    > {{ /login_form }}
    > and its there,
    > can u please tell me where exactly is my mistake with the comment form?
    > Lets assume that the form is there what kind of function do I need to ender
    > the comment into db,
    > is there any example?
    > Thanks guys.