[campsite-support] select sections
  • guys thanks for the fast response, the new feature you add is extremely powerful, and very flexible

    i can select from any section i want,articles and sort them by asc or desc,

    (like sql)
    (i did the upgrade also)

    nice work.

    {{ local }}

    {{ list_articles constraints="section greater 1 section not 3 section not 4 section not 5 section not 6 section not 7 section not 8 section not 9 section not 10 section not 11 section not 12 section not 13 section smaller 17" order="bypublishdate desc" length="20" }}

    {{ $campsite->current_list->index }} {{ $campsite->->index }}{{ $campsite->section->name }}{{ $campsite->article->name }}({{ $campsite->article->publish_date|camp_date_format:'%h:%i' }})

    {{ /list_articles }}

    {{ /local }}
