Log issue
  • I just realize my Cron Daemon is sending me an email each 30 seconds with the following message:

    /bin/sh: /var/www/html/camp/bin/campsite-autopublish: Permission denied
    /bin/sh: /var/www/html/camp/bin/events-notifier: Permission denied

    If you see your log (and mailbox) growing in MBs each hour, check the permissions.
    It's very easy to oversees the permissions and soon your server can ending up with huge disc space wasted.

    My advice:

    After install, keep a closer look to your logs for a couple of days.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • After I corrected the proper permission to 755 and cleaned over 10,000 messages in my mailbox, now my log and email box is flooded again with the following:

    PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /var/www/html/camp/include/campsite_constants.php
    on line 20
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: default in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: default in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.timer.current in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.timer.finish in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.counter in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: session.counter in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: system_preferences in /var/www/html/camp/template_engine/classes/CampSession.php
    on line 199

    Have someone tha same issue? How you solved this?
    BTW, I'm using PHP 5