I'm on the latest superdesk master. Have created a few desks, and when I get to the Admin --> settings --> Decks and select a Desk, select action 'Monitoring settings'
breaks with this stack
app.bundle.50794ea7.js:179 TypeError: Cannot set property 'desk' of undefined
at h.e.openMonitoringSettings (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:246)
at fn (eval at compile (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:179), <anonymous>:4:253)
at r (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:179)
at h.$eval (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:179)
at h.$apply (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:179)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:179)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:24)
at HTMLButtonElement.g.handle (app.bundle.50794ea7.js:24)
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