Hello, I have Debian Jessie with airtime 2.5.2, icecast2 and all functioned one really. Then I have restarted the Server and Liquidsoap does not start any more. Under /var/log/liquidsoap I have no log. Under /var/log/airtime/pypo i have: 2017-01-27 02:16:13,222 ERROR - [__main__.py : liquidsoap_get_info() : line 178] - [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt 2017-01-27 02:16:13,223 WARNING - [__main__.py : liquidsoap_startup_test() : line 205] - Liquidsoap doesn't appear to be running!, Sleeping and trying again
I have uninstalled Liquidsoap and anew installed, however, it does not start. service airtime-liquidsoap restart brings no mistake. In the web interface Liquidsoap with the green chopping is not marked. Question: how do I get a log file under/var/log/liquidsoap? Does have liquidsoap problems under Debian Jessie?