We are using Airtime in our local Radio Station (Radio Campus Clermont-Ferrand) since one year. This software fits very well to our needs, and we already made and published some small modifications :
After one year, we wanted to remove some medias from the library. We're selecting medias that are not scheduled. For some of them, the deletion process perfectly works. For some others (that are not scheduled), we cannot remove them.
I checked on /var/log/airtime/media-monitor/media-monitor.log, and nothing appends(no file_delete event).
According to what I've seen, the problem does not come from the file name (that is without french or strange character), and the rights of the files are correct (the owner is www-data, and in "rw").
Is it a known problem? Is there another way to remove a media (outside of the www frontend)?
It would be great to let the users delete these files... It's a recurrent problem so we can't go everyday in the ssh console, find the files and delete them manually...