If I need to create a News site with more than one edition, can I make it with Newscoope (installing it only once)?
Ej. I have mysite.com but if you are from Portugal you are going to enter to Portugal's Edition: pt.mysite.com and if you are from Spain: es.mysite.com
Those editions have different sections and articles... but if I want to share articles between them, I can do it. So they are not fully independent. For example they can share users, articles, adds, etc.
Newscoop does support multiple publications and multilingual content by default. The standard way of using links for different languages in the front end is: mysite.com/pt and mysite.com/es .
A publication can have multiple aliases, so if you would add pt.mysite.com and es.mysite.com there, i think it would be possible, but the end result of the link would be: pt.mysite.com/pt and es.mysite.com/es . I would suggest setting up a redirect from pt.mysite.com > mysite.com/pt .
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Thanks! If I can have multiple publications, all of them with independence, and with their own sections and languages, then Newscoop is what I'm looking for. I'm going to start working with it soon.