Newscoop-4.4.5 Install

  • I'm trying to install Newscoop-4.4.5 and I'm having problems installing it at http://*

    After the Database Configuration mentioned here :  I get a blank page : http://*/install/prepare#

    I would appreciate your help. Thank you.

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  • Without the actual error message, it will be hard to debug. But something tells me you could be missing a dependency or module (sometimes the install screen can't catch it).

    Can you check your Apache and Newscoop error logs and paste the errors here? The Newscoop error logs are at: <install_dir>/log/<dev|prod>.log

    Alternatively you can run Newscoop in development mode, that should output the error to your screen. 

    Enabled dev mode for newscoop:
    1. Update composer to install dev dependencies (run this in the newscoop install directory where the composer.json file is located): php composer.phar update
    2. Add this to you Apache vhost configuration: SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development"
    3. Restart apache 
    When running in development mode at <install_dir>/log/dev.log there should be an extensive log file.