git clone and then went into the Airtime folder and ran ./install
**Appologies as I can't seem to get this WYSIWYG thing to do anything useful**
I'm having the same issue. Here is my log,
2015-07-16 00:40:20,206 INFO - [MainThread] [ : setup_global()] : LINE 110 - Attempting to set the locale...
2015-07-16 00:40:20,228 INFO - [Thread-1] [ : __init__()] : LINE 19 - Created timeout thread...
2015-07-16 00:40:20,228 INFO - [Thread-1] [ : init_rabbit_mq()] : LINE 35 - Initializing RabbitMQ message consumer...
2015-07-16 00:40:20,249 INFO - [Thread-1] [ : init_rabbit_mq()] : LINE 47 - Initialized RabbitMQ consumer.
2015-07-16 00:40:20,249 DEBUG - [Thread-1] [ : __call__()] : LINE 140 -
2015-07-16 00:40:20,265 INFO - [Thread-1] [ : reload_directories()] : LINE 49 - HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Also if I run "sudo airtime-media-monitor", I get,
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
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